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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

for some of those people who
don't now any thing about
liberty reserve, now is the time
to know what liberty reserve
means and how you can sign
up to liberty reserve.a lot of
people have been hearing
about liberty reserve and they
don't have basic understanding
of what this online money
processor is offering.liberty
reserve has been around for
some times now and still
functioning.i will explain what
liberty reserve online money
processor means and how you
can apply for it.
so what is liberty reserve
liberty reserve is an online
money and payment processor
that offer people around the
world to carry out their online
transactions.this means you can
buy and get paid for any goods
and services offer online.with
this online payment
website,your transaction will be
done online which gives you
hedge to transact business
with any body online provided
that the person you are dealing
with has liberty reserve
so what do i need to get
started for me to create
liberty reserve account
step1. you need an email
account of either
yahoo,gmail,hotmail is OK.if you
don't have one,just visit any of
the site to create one for your
step2.if you already have an
email then visit the site through
this link libertyreserve.
step3.click on create account
and fill in your original details.
step4.after filling your
details,click on agreed.a
window will open,just copy the
things you will see like your
master pin,password,etc.
step5.liberty reserve will send
your account number to your
email,so just go to your email to
get your account number and
confirm your email.
step6.visit liberty reserve,then
login with your account
number and password.then
complete your profile details by
clicking on profile at the left
corner of the page.your
registration is now complete.
so after registration, how do i
fund and withdraw my money
from liberty reserve.
liberty reserve has merchant
that funds their members
account in almost every country
and Nigeria is not excluded.so
to fund your account in
Nigeria,just visit
nigeriagoldexchange. then
follow the procedure giving
from the site to complete your
order.you can also withdraw
your liberty reserve money
through that same site to your
bank account.that's all.ENJOY.
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setting up liberty reserve