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Wednesday, 3 April 2013

today i am going to share with
you on how to configure glo
simcard manually to browse
the internet .out of all the
network operator in
Nigeria,globacom seems to be
one of the network that require
you to call their customer care
to activate your simcard to
receive gprs internet
signal.this has been their style
of services.so therefore, before
you can be able to browse with
your mobile phone after
configuring your phone
manually, you must first of all
call glo customer care to
activate your line to receive
gprs internet signal.
so how do i configure my
phone manually to browse
the internet using glo simcard.
step1: you must first call glo
customer care to activate your
simcard to receive gprs internet
signal.customer care number is
step2: after calling their
customer care, it will take your
glo simcard 24-48 hours to be
fully activated but before then
you should just go ahead to
configure it using this settings.
step3: for s40 java mobile
phone users, read my previous
post on how to manually
configure your phone for
internet browsing .
step4: then use this glo
internet settings.
ACCESS POINT==> glosecure
USERNAME==> gprs
PASSWORD==> gprs
the above setting is for those
who just want to browse with
their mobile phone without
subscribing for glo data bundle
plans but if you subscribe, then
use this settings as follows
ACCESSPOINT==> gloflat
USERNAME==> flat
PASSWORD==> flat.
that is all.ENJOY.should in case
you have any difficulty in the
process, please make use of the
comment form to make your


Used PC said...

Nice Blog Post !