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The best twitter for java phone (9)

Sunday, 21 April 2013

This Tutorial is exclusive for Java
Phone Users. To All Twitter Fans/
Java PhoneUser, You will love this
Tutorial/App we bring to you
Today, We shall be Discussing
about an App called Twhii , Twhii
is a Twitter client for java
phones. That means it should run
on both feature phones and
smartphones with Java support.
That is covering a wide base.
This Simply means it can work
onAll phone.
�6¦1 Timeline
�6¦1 Mentions
�6¦1 DM
�6¦1 Favourites
�6¦1 Reply, retweet and quote
�6¦1 Multiple Twitter accounts
�6¦1 Web-based management
�6¦1 Trends
�6¦1 Search
�6¦1 image preloader with
support for Lockerz
A look at the above summary
reveals that this is a very
comprehensive Twitter app.
Actually, it is one of the most
comprehensive Twitter app
available for java phones that I
have seen.
To Get Twhii working on your
Phone, You need to Register for a
Free Account on their Website @
twhii.com , Then Downloadthe
Application with any of the Link
Below depending onyour Device
and Start Rocking one of the Best
App for Twitter on your Phone.
�0†3 Download DOWNLOAD
NOTE: This App work with any
Type of Phone.
For a Java app, Twhii is
impressive. It gives advanced
twitter users all the flexibility that
they need, and it is also perfectly
usable by more basic users. Links
in tweets, mentions and DMs are
clickable to launch the built-in
web browser on your phone.