Features Title Here. Consectetur adipisicing

Features Content Here. Sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Tuesday, 2 April 2013

some people have been asking
me how can they read PDF file
using their java mobile
phone .java phones like Nokia,
Sony Ericson, Samsung,
Motorola etc are basically
limited in terms of getting a
good software for them, but
never the less, s40 users can
still make use of the available
applications to perform one or
two task which includes
reading of PDF ebook.some of
us might have downloaded an
eBook from the internet to their
s40 phone, not knowing that
the device cannot be able to
read or open the file. even
when you try, it will tell you that
file format is not supported, too
bad.well, today am going to
share with you on how you can
read PDF document or eBook
with your java mobile phone .
the procedure to do this is not
difficult.so just follow the step
below to get it done.
you may like to read how to
send java application with your
s40 java phone
so how can i view PDF
document with my java
step1: search and download
this software called
mobilePDF.you can download it
through this link Mobile_PDF.
step2: open it and search for
the ebook from either you
phone memory (:C) or from
your memory card (:E).
step3: after searching for it,
just open it to start reading the
content. that is al