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HOW TO GET 5MB wit N5 on MTN

Thursday, 11 April 2013

this but Believe me, Many Others
might still find it Useful.
Is MTN making Internet
browsing more cheaper?Decided
to Post this about MTN 5MB Daily
Internet Bundle..
Just dial *406*1# for 5MB which
costs 5 naira/per day only.
It keeps on renewing itself i.e
they keep on deducting 5 naira
giving you 5MB everyday and it
expiresby 11:59pm daily.
=> To opt-out of this Plan, Simply
dial *406*2# .
To migrate to MTN Pulse, dial
*406# and also enjoy 10MB on
every 100 naira
recharges per week.
Note:- This offer is Only on MTN