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Thursday 4 April 2013

guess so many of us don't know
that one can attach, share and
send files on Facebook chat.
apart from the social meeting of
friends, Facebook has a lot of
hidden features which many of
us don't know about.while
chatting with your friends, you
can easily share files like
picture, ebooks, images, etc on
facebook chat using the
attachment and your friend can
download it without stress
the trick is not difficult to
implement and it can only be
done on computer, so follow the
steps below to get it done.
how to send and share files on
facebook chat
==> login to your fb and click on
any friend that is online to chat
==> when the chatting screen
popup, click on settings at the
right upper corner and click full
==> it will open the chat on full
mode, so while replying to chats,
click on attach a file icon to
attach and send.
your friend will receive it.what an
easy way to attach and share
files on fb.that's all.ENJOY.