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How to convert any network to 3g on your phone(2day)

Thursday 25 April 2013

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With this GPRS to 3G Software
You can be using MTN 3G
when there is no 3G service
>> It boost you Internet
Connection Speed to 3G instead
of the Normal GPRS.
>> It will enable you to make
video calls.
It was Tested and it works well
on all NOKIA S60v2 e.g
and N70 (Symbian Phones).
click here to download the
converter on your Phone
==>To Activate
1. Download the file and install
on your phone.
2. Open the application.
3. Press UP key on your keypad
twice (2 times) You will see:
0-dual 1-gsm 2-cdma
4. Press option, choose execute.
Put number "2" then ok.
5. Your phone will reboot. and
convert your usual gsm/gprs
service to 3G.
==> To Deactivate
1. Open the application.
2. Press UP key on your keypad
twice (2 times) You will see
0-dual 1-gsm 2-cdma
3. Press option, choose execute.
Put number "1" then ok.
4. Your phone will reboot. and
convert your 3G service to gsm/