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Wednesday 20 February 2013

2GO which is one of the most popular and social network today in the world of
communication in the internet has some valuable features which among them is;linking of twitter account direct to your 2go messenger just with the help of some thirdparty website.

Today,i will be revealing the simple tips and method to use to link this two social media account together.

1.Goto www.twitter.com and sign in to your twitter account with your twitter username and password.

2.When Logged in to you twitter account,open a new tap and go to www.tweet.im and click on the Sign in with twitter button.

3. Now on signing in, Click on "Authorise App". then select your desired account to use. You can select "Gmail,yahoo,or other email servers".

4.Fill in your Gmail,yahoo, other the other account you selected with your email address.
Note:You use Gmail because 2go only Authorise Gtalk(google talk),

5. Click on Register tab at the lower bottom of the page
6.After successful completion of the above process,launch/login to your 2go messenger and scrow down to Settings > Gateway and click/select Gtalk.
After that, activate your connection process using your gmail logins or other email service providers such as yahoo.etcthat you use to signup at www.twitter.im.

7.After sucessful completion of the above follow-up procedure, login to your 2go friend lists and you will see a request from Twitter,

Click on Accept request and add Twiiter as a friend.

CONGRATULATION,you have Successfully linked your 2go messenger account to share and use your twitter updates